Issue Position: More Jobs, Better Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Keith Ingram believes with hard work and the right policies, we can create new jobs that can mean hope and opportunity for the Delta.

As a former businessman, mayor, and now as a senior state legislator, Keith has worked to create new jobs and to grow our economy. He feels it is important to bring communities together to attract good jobs that keep our young people at home and in Eastern Arkansas.

Keith has continued to lead efforts that have helped bring jobs and economic development in our communities. He worked with former U.S. Senator Mark Pryor to secure an 11 million dollar grant for infrastructure upgrades to the Port of West Memphis. Keith led an effort to successfully prevent the closure of the Old Bridge (I-55 bridge) which, if shut down, would have crippled local businesses throughout Eastern Arkansas, costing our local economy millions of dollars.

Keith will continue to work with the Arkansas Economic Development Commission to direct the state's focus on opportunities for investment in the Delta and Eastern Arkansas communities.

Keith took the lead in creating and sponsoring the Keep Arkansas Competitive Act, which encourages economic development to make more good-paying jobs available in the Delta. He will continue to advocate and push legislation on behalf of those who need the help, including a targeted tax credit for the poor.

Keith has been actively involved in many regional economic development projects such as:

The Ruyi Project in Forrest City -- which will result in hundreds of new jobs
Millions of dollars in grants for communities
Expansion and improvements for our local airports with industry-leading technology upgrades
Port expansion and infrastructure improvements to ports Phillips County, West Memphis, and Helena
Legislation to allow local communities the ability to attract new industries without raising taxes until jobs are guaranteed
